Thursday, February 11, 2010


Matt: He is working non stop, nothing has changed in that area. He is working a really good job right now and the extra money is such an amazing help, and our plan is to pay off every single loan and back bill we have and than let the house hunting start....again! which is exciting and stressful all wrapped into one. His birthday is next week, he is getting a huge tattoo on his back,(That is all he ever talks about getting a damn tattoo so here you goooo baby!)

Myself and my unborn: Well pretty much all I have to talk about is my unborn and those affects nothing to new on myself personally or nothing I feel like sharing. haha. So my unborn babes,I am 10 weeks pregnant, and even tho I had to have a c-section 11 months ago. At that time I never looked up anything on c-section due to that fact that I had two natural deliveries and never in a thousand years did I think that my third child would be 7 days late and over 10 pounds,never ever and when I found out I was going to have to have a c-section I had two days to get all my research in and that is just NOT enough time. So I will be doing lots of research these next months. I will be having more time to get use to it this time but am really worried about coming home to 3 children,and one of them being 17 months old, with a huge gash on my abdomen. But I am so excited to know what I am having and start calling my baby their name and dreaming about what he/she is going to look like.<3

Isabel: Well she is doing wonderful in school she has gotten a report card sent home and a progress report(which is so fun to get!)It is amazing to see her thrive and doing so well, she bring home tons of school works and she gets all 100s and smiley faces on everything, her math skills are so impressive, she is such a smart beautiful young lady! A wonderful sister to Lillian and Abram always running to them and protecting them, she is a great joy.

Lillian: Lillian is also doing SO great in school she has lots of friends and a little boy in her class plays with her hair and always want to hug her cause she is so beautiful! haha adorable. Her letters have gotten so good she can write her name like a pro, and her painting bring tears to my eyes, she is so smart and funny and shy all wrapped into one. She is getting so much better about Abey being a part of the family and watches over and take care on him and anytime he is mad or crying she is the first one to get toys and try to make him all better. It is a wonderful thing to see happen before our eyes. I love my Lilly Lu.

Abram: My little man will be one at the end of this month! I can not believe it..already. This has come far to fast for me. He is still my little needy baby who cry's when I go to the bathroom or up the stairs,oh my needy needy little man! haha He will he having his surgery on March 1st, and I am so scared and happy all in one I am happy this is going to be taken care of and he will have normal testicles and he will not recall any of it! So I know this is for the best, and I of course doing the right thing.

Oh I could go on forever with the update but one of my favorite shows is on and I am sleepy. Good night all!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

1 child? are you joking?

Disclaimer: If I offend you, oh well.

I went to my knee doctor as I was being checked in the women was going over my information she asked if I worked at home depot. (cause someone put it in there the last time I was in.) I told her nope I am a homemaker. Of course after that we start gabbing about children!! So the basics, she has one and I have three, she goes on and on and onnnnn about "how hard one child is." how she does not know know people can stay sane with more than just one child. I was thinking to myself your joking right lady? One child? Easy as pie. I remember having Isabel and it was a breeze people.One car seat, One bag, One trip to do or go anywhere. You can pick up and just go, Life was soooooo simple with one child. and I just do not understand how parents and parents that work all day have such problems with this?

Of course I understand every parent has bad days and yes even with one they can drive you crazy. but before complaining about how hard it is having ONE child, think about who your talking to and if they have more than ONE kid you should most likely cut the complaining. Thanks.