Thursday, April 29, 2010

Dinner is served.

I love cooking, and I love cooking with my dad he is a chef and hands down is the best cook ever! He has taught me everything he knows!(well not everything but ya know!)and tonight we made a WONDERFUL dinner together! Like I said I LOVE food! I am far from picky and HATE picky eating with a passion...and having a 6 year old who is one of the pickiest eaters I have even know..and raised it drives me insane!! Regardless I make her try everything and she does end up liking can be a fight but oh well you do not know until you try it so stop whining!!!! With that said we made delicious flank stakes sliced and stuffed with chopped fresh spinach, three kinds of mushrooms, and a blend of cheeses! Than you roll it, tie it, and cook it in the oven or on the grill like we did! for sides we had fiddle heads of course, boiled, butter-slat-pepper! and macaroni salad made by me and my mom and it was delish! and pineapple for dessert!! It was SOOOOOOO good! I think I will have some more for snack later on! hahah here are some pictures!

Fresh Fiddles!

Mane Dish!



Mac Salad!!


Finished Maine Course!



My Plate!!! <3 (The 1st helping I had! haha)



Friday, April 23, 2010

Stuffy, Fiddle Heads, heading back to school.

This WHOLE pregnancy I have had a damn stuffy nose! never ending, snot filled nose and it is KILLING me! It is gross, my face feels so full, and I can not smell a damn thing! I can handle one..two MAYBE even three weeks of this shit but no.Five months..shoot me now please.and it is not like I can just blow it,it will NOT go anywhere it is sick, gross and inhumane...haha I would like my sniffer back asap!

ok now on to my kids going back to school! They can not wait! it is a shame they would have a vacation for two weeks for Isabel, and for one week for Lillian who only goes 2 days a week, my girls love school and NEED it to keep themselves for there mother! My house is 100% completely trashed, they are going insane from being home, playing out side and having sleep overs with the grandparents and play dates with cousins are just not cutting it. Thank God for Monday!!!!!!

FIDDLE HEAD SEASON IS EARLY!!!!!!! OK so my daddy-o has been picking us fiddle heads for as long as I can recall,usually it is not till after mother's day but this season came early. and for all you who have never had fiddle heads...I am so sorry they are sooooooooooo wonderful! You have to cook them right and you would not believe how many people can screw them up!! but any who! My Dad and his friend went to go out and pick some and it is not an easy task but any means, it is in the woods by banks around water and you getting eaten alive by bugs,ticks get on you, but no one picks them like my dad he always gets over 100 pounds and everyone he takes with him struggles to get 20 pounds.This season my poor pop who has horrible bones and a leg that was DESTROYED in a accident twenty-five years a go had his knee blown out so bad his friend had to lug him out of the friggen woods over his shoulder.....and comes home and can not move, he is walking with his little wooden cane he made and had tons of shit done to it at the doctors today. Poor guy, just cause he knows how much we love those little devils! So thank you Dad, praying it is nothing to serious and that you will be able to move in a few days! love you!

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Sunday, April 18, 2010

Summer time baby!

I am pretty excited about having a summer baby! I was born in August to that is special too. The 20th of this month (Tuesday) I get to pick the day she will be born on! SO excited. That is one good thing about having a planned c-section, I will be picking the day and having her at 39 weeks!! Isabel had her only three late but felt like a life time, and in the winter soooo cold, Lillian was three days early also a winter baby and it was a snow storm when we left, Abram was 7 days late, and he was my 1st c-section cause of his hugeness and he never wanted to leave the womb..also a winter baby and another storm we left in. So here are some of the things I am excited for August baby!!!! :)

1. It is in the summer. duh. haha

2.This will probably be the ONLY summer of my life that I do not carry or put on a sweat shirt by the middle of the day, I am always freezing and when I am PG it is the only time I am normal temperature...VERY excited for this!

3. She will come home with out 3 huge blankets, a snow suit, hat, mittens, and having the car warming up.

4. She can wear all those tiny sun dresses.

5. we will not leave in a blizzard.

6. She will be leaving the hospital in a cute tiny little summer outfit.

7. SHE WILL BE HERE!!!! HAHAHA So exited for my 1st and last summer baby!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

It is a baby girlllll

So we are having our third baby girl!<3 I am really excited, I would have been just as excited with a baby boy too! I just love babies and this is my last one! I sometimes can not believe it...I am going to have my little lady so soon, her name will Hannah Ryan. Hannah because I love the name always have and it goes great with the rest of my kiddos names! and Ryan after my best friend and my brother! I knew having a boy or girl the middle name would be Ryan.

At the ultrasound she was so naughty! haha I pretty much did not get to see her face at all! she would not let them get one measurement! she was very difficult. but I will be getting another one soon... I hope to see her than for a longer amount of time.

I am in love with her already and can not wait until she is in my arms.


Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Weekend/This week.

So this weekend Matt worked...of course and so it was up to me to keep the kids busy. we went on a long nature walk, found rocks, saw birds,saw flowers growing. It was nice and Abe loves the outdoors when we are inside and he goes to the door her screams "OUT OUT OUT" It is so cute he is learning so much and saying all kinds of new words. He makes me proud! love him. Such a smarty pants. He took a two hour nap and the girls and myself painted and had girl talk. They talked and talked and I listened and they just melted my heart. Than we went over to Mema and Pepa's house, had an delicious pork dinner. Than the kids got wild and and we left and I got them ready for bed. Sunday (today) we went to a beach party down at Lilly school and the girls had a BLAST, we made sea shell creatures, built sand castles out of rice crispy treats and all the frosting and candy in the world, fishing games, ect and on so. It was so fun and Abe napped at my moms the whole time we were gone It was a nice girls afternoon! Than we got some Pizza and went home. The girls were so sleepy but wanted to get "dolled up for Daddy" So the put on jewelry, sprayed perfume, and stuffed their dress with toilet paper for boobs. hahaha. Good weekend.

This week Isabel has the week off, for the screening they are doing for the new kindergartners..and yes that means she will have TWO weeks off school because the week after is April vacation. So we will need lots to do to keep us busy busy busy!!!!!
On Tuesday I will find out the sex of the newest baby Pease! I really could not be more excited! I feel like this pregnancy is flying by..much faster than the last three! I am already 19 weeks and can not believe just four more months till I have my child! Also I believe Abe has another follow up appointment some time this week..I better check on that asap. I have a knee appointment and than appointment FREE for the next few days till I go see my surgeon to talk and pick a day the last week of August for my baby to be born!

Well I am sure I left out tons of stuff but it has been a long weekend! time for some of my favorite shows and to pass out! Nighty Night!!!!!!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

When is having an imagination a bad thing?

Last night Matt and I went to our PTC (Parent teacher conference.) for Isabel who is in Kindergarten. As we go in and sit down her teacher ask if something has changed in Isabel's life in the last few months, and went on to say how Isabel has been saying she is ill a lot and act like she needs to go to the nurses office, So I explain to her we are having another child and this is Isabel way of getting extra attention,and this is her way of acting out if you will. So on to the next issue "Isabel's vivid imagination" how she has NEVER seen ANYTHING like it and she is so sensitive. (My little girl has always been VERY sensitive and in tune to others feeling..always) and Yes her imagination runs wild and she can go on forever about stories she makes up and so on and ect.. and goes on to say that this may affect her in the first grade cause it is so much more structured and there is consent flow of work, and that she is no Dr. but this may be something more serious. So I was like oh well she must be doing awful with her academics if her teacher is talking like this, I thought in my head. Well NOPE SHE IS DOING AMAZING, EVERYTHING IS 100s AND EXCELLENTS, AND PERFECT JOB. Does math better than anyone in the class,can read better than anyone in the class, But it is her IMAGINATION THAT IS THE ISSUES?!?!?!? I was irate at this point and down right offended. (and I have decided not to even post half of what she said in this blog)

I Just said well you know what, Isabel does have an imagination,and excellent one, she is ultra sensitive and it is all in how you say something to her, and I went on to talk about how she is using her "imagination" so much cause she is bored and it is HER job to stimulate her and keep giving her the work, and That I believe the first grade will be a benefit to her cause there will be so much MORE structure and "a flow of consent work" grrrrrr I was so mad,Just because she has never seen an imagination like my child's does not mean anything is the matter with my child and if her school work is not going down hill because of it I do NOT want you LABELING my little girl, I refuse to dumb her down and tell her it is not ok to have one! and I refuse to have her be a robot. and she does not need to act like any other child, she is her own person and anyone that knows my little girl can not believe how smart she, how clever she is. I have been hearing this her whole six years by, friends, doctors, family, pre-school teachers and anyone who knows her know she is something special and gifted. She is amazing<3

welllll now that I have bitched and moaned to Matt, my mom, my friends and now the blog site I feel better! Still mad like a lion but better.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

9 Days till gender time!

So in 9 days I will find out if our last baby will be Girl or Boy!!!!! I am so excited and can not wait to know! This baby better not give me any trouble earthier,with Isabel she had her legs crossed so tight until freaking 37 weeks! Lilly let us know NO issues Thank you Lillian! and Abe was SO active and hyper after 2 hours of trying we did not find out till 28 weeks I think it was...soooooo This baby best let me see or I will go insane! I am so excited to just know and start calling my baby his or hers name, and not to mention I love being able to see my baby on screen <3

I am 18 weeks and feeling pretty good. (knock on wood) I have been drink boat loads of water and taking it really easy. I am sooooo thankful this is my last pregnancy, do not get me wrong I am VERY grateful I have no issue with getting pregnant and keeping my babies till full term....I feel very blessed but my last being PG with Abram was scary and very painful almost the whole time and this time I feel is going to be the same and I have 4 more months left before I have this one, so it is worrisome. I know everything will be fine but all in all very grateful this is the last time I will be having a baby growing inside me. Plus four is enough or me! :) I can not wait till the 13th, Please say a little prayer my baby will let us know what he or she is!!!!