So this weekend Matt worked...of course and so it was up to me to keep the kids busy. we went on a long nature walk, found rocks, saw birds,saw flowers growing. It was nice and Abe loves the outdoors when we are inside and he goes to the door her screams "OUT OUT OUT" It is so cute he is learning so much and saying all kinds of new words. He makes me proud! love him. Such a smarty pants. He took a two hour nap and the girls and myself painted and had girl talk. They talked and talked and I listened and they just melted my heart. Than we went over to Mema and Pepa's house, had an delicious pork dinner. Than the kids got wild and and we left and I got them ready for bed. Sunday (today) we went to a beach party down at Lilly school and the girls had a BLAST, we made sea shell creatures, built sand castles out of rice crispy treats and all the frosting and candy in the world, fishing games, ect and on so. It was so fun and Abe napped at my moms the whole time we were gone It was a nice girls afternoon! Than we got some Pizza and went home. The girls were so sleepy but wanted to get "dolled up for Daddy" So the put on jewelry, sprayed perfume, and stuffed their dress with toilet paper for boobs. hahaha. Good weekend.

This week Isabel has the week off, for the screening they are doing for the new kindergartners..and yes that means she will have TWO weeks off school because the week after is April vacation. So we will need lots to do to keep us busy busy busy!!!!!
On Tuesday I will find out the sex of the newest baby Pease! I really could not be more excited! I feel like this pregnancy is flying by..much faster than the last three! I am already 19 weeks and can not believe just four more months till I have my child! Also I believe Abe has another follow up appointment some time this week..I better check on that asap. I have a knee appointment and than appointment FREE for the next few days till I go see my surgeon to talk and pick a day the last week of August for my baby to be born!
Well I am sure I left out tons of stuff but it has been a long weekend! time for some of my favorite shows and to pass out! Nighty Night!!!!!!
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