Saturday, May 29, 2010
My picky eater is GONE!
I have wrote and talked about it 483204820 times before, I can not stand a picky eater! drives me up a wall! Now I feed my children good food, Lillian and Abram are amazing eaters will eat or try anything and pretty much love everything. My first born on the other hand Isabel has ALWAYS been such a picky eater,refuses to try anything and it is a struggle getting her to eat (cause I REFUSE to make two different meals) One night we were having pizza night and she got her cheese pizza me and the other kids had mushroom,onion and green pepper pizza....well some how a few mushrooms got on Isabel's slice and by a wonderful amazing mistake she ate it! and LOVED it!!!!!! She said I never knew mushrooms were so good, I want to give everything a try! LIKE MUSIC TO MY EARS! and from that point on (4 weeks ago today) she has tried: Salmon,haddock, green peppers, lobster,scallops,and just simple fruits and veggies she would not eat without acting like someone was killing her..lol olives,raisins so on and so forth! I am soooooo happy, and that is all I ask it to TRY it, if you try it and HATE it you never have to eat it again, but you will never know unless you give it a chance! so my big girl is trying everything and making me so proud!!! and she is liking and enjoying all these new foods! SO SO SO SO happy!!!!

Thursday, April 29, 2010
Dinner is served.
I love cooking, and I love cooking with my dad he is a chef and hands down is the best cook ever! He has taught me everything he knows!(well not everything but ya know!)and tonight we made a WONDERFUL dinner together! Like I said I LOVE food! I am far from picky and HATE picky eating with a passion...and having a 6 year old who is one of the pickiest eaters I have even know..and raised it drives me insane!! Regardless I make her try everything and she does end up liking it..it can be a fight but oh well you do not know until you try it so stop whining!!!! With that said we made delicious flank stakes sliced and stuffed with chopped fresh spinach, three kinds of mushrooms, and a blend of cheeses! Than you roll it, tie it, and cook it in the oven or on the grill like we did! for sides we had fiddle heads of course, boiled, butter-slat-pepper! and macaroni salad made by me and my mom and it was delish! and pineapple for dessert!! It was SOOOOOOO good! I think I will have some more for snack later on! hahah here are some pictures!
Fresh Fiddles!

Mane Dish!
Mac Salad!!

Finished Maine Course!

My Plate!!! <3 (The 1st helping I had! haha)
Fresh Fiddles!

Mane Dish!

Mac Salad!!

Finished Maine Course!

My Plate!!! <3 (The 1st helping I had! haha)


Friday, April 23, 2010
Stuffy, Fiddle Heads, heading back to school.
This WHOLE pregnancy I have had a damn stuffy nose! never ending, snot filled nose and it is KILLING me! It is gross, my face feels so full, and I can not smell a damn thing! I can handle one..two MAYBE even three weeks of this shit but no.Five months..shoot me now please.and it is not like I can just blow it,it will NOT go anywhere it is sick, gross and inhumane...haha I would like my sniffer back asap!
ok now on to my kids going back to school! They can not wait! it is a shame they would have a vacation for two weeks for Isabel, and for one week for Lillian who only goes 2 days a week, my girls love school and NEED it to keep themselves sane...as for there mother! My house is 100% completely trashed, they are going insane from being home, playing out side and having sleep overs with the grandparents and play dates with cousins are just not cutting it. Thank God for Monday!!!!!!
FIDDLE HEAD SEASON IS EARLY!!!!!!! OK so my daddy-o has been picking us fiddle heads for as long as I can recall,usually it is not till after mother's day but this season came early. and for all you who have never had fiddle heads...I am so sorry they are sooooooooooo wonderful! You have to cook them right and you would not believe how many people can screw them up!! but any who! My Dad and his friend went to go out and pick some and it is not an easy task but any means, it is in the woods by banks around water and you getting eaten alive by bugs,ticks get on you, but no one picks them like my dad he always gets over 100 pounds and everyone he takes with him struggles to get 20 pounds.This season my poor pop who has horrible bones and a leg that was DESTROYED in a accident twenty-five years a go had his knee blown out so bad his friend had to lug him out of the friggen woods over his shoulder.....and comes home and can not move, he is walking with his little wooden cane he made and had tons of shit done to it at the doctors today. Poor guy, just cause he knows how much we love those little devils! So thank you Dad, praying it is nothing to serious and that you will be able to move in a few days! love you!
ok now on to my kids going back to school! They can not wait! it is a shame they would have a vacation for two weeks for Isabel, and for one week for Lillian who only goes 2 days a week, my girls love school and NEED it to keep themselves sane...as for there mother! My house is 100% completely trashed, they are going insane from being home, playing out side and having sleep overs with the grandparents and play dates with cousins are just not cutting it. Thank God for Monday!!!!!!
FIDDLE HEAD SEASON IS EARLY!!!!!!! OK so my daddy-o has been picking us fiddle heads for as long as I can recall,usually it is not till after mother's day but this season came early. and for all you who have never had fiddle heads...I am so sorry they are sooooooooooo wonderful! You have to cook them right and you would not believe how many people can screw them up!! but any who! My Dad and his friend went to go out and pick some and it is not an easy task but any means, it is in the woods by banks around water and you getting eaten alive by bugs,ticks get on you, but no one picks them like my dad he always gets over 100 pounds and everyone he takes with him struggles to get 20 pounds.This season my poor pop who has horrible bones and a leg that was DESTROYED in a accident twenty-five years a go had his knee blown out so bad his friend had to lug him out of the friggen woods over his shoulder.....and comes home and can not move, he is walking with his little wooden cane he made and had tons of shit done to it at the doctors today. Poor guy, just cause he knows how much we love those little devils! So thank you Dad, praying it is nothing to serious and that you will be able to move in a few days! love you!

Sunday, April 18, 2010
Summer time baby!
I am pretty excited about having a summer baby! I was born in August to that is special too. The 20th of this month (Tuesday) I get to pick the day she will be born on! SO excited. That is one good thing about having a planned c-section, I will be picking the day and having her at 39 weeks!! Isabel had her only three late but felt like a life time, and in the winter soooo cold, Lillian was three days early also a winter baby and it was a snow storm when we left, Abram was 7 days late, and he was my 1st c-section cause of his hugeness and he never wanted to leave the womb..also a winter baby and another storm we left in. So here are some of the things I am excited for August baby!!!! :)
1. It is in the summer. duh. haha
2.This will probably be the ONLY summer of my life that I do not carry or put on a sweat shirt by the middle of the day, I am always freezing and when I am PG it is the only time I am normal temperature...VERY excited for this!
3. She will come home with out 3 huge blankets, a snow suit, hat, mittens, and having the car warming up.
4. She can wear all those tiny sun dresses.
5. we will not leave in a blizzard.
6. She will be leaving the hospital in a cute tiny little summer outfit.
7. SHE WILL BE HERE!!!! HAHAHA So exited for my 1st and last summer baby!
1. It is in the summer. duh. haha
2.This will probably be the ONLY summer of my life that I do not carry or put on a sweat shirt by the middle of the day, I am always freezing and when I am PG it is the only time I am normal temperature...VERY excited for this!
3. She will come home with out 3 huge blankets, a snow suit, hat, mittens, and having the car warming up.
4. She can wear all those tiny sun dresses.
5. we will not leave in a blizzard.
6. She will be leaving the hospital in a cute tiny little summer outfit.
7. SHE WILL BE HERE!!!! HAHAHA So exited for my 1st and last summer baby!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
It is a baby girlllll
So we are having our third baby girl!<3 I am really excited, I would have been just as excited with a baby boy too! I just love babies and this is my last one! I sometimes can not believe it...I am going to have my little lady so soon, her name will Hannah Ryan. Hannah because I love the name always have and it goes great with the rest of my kiddos names! and Ryan after my best friend and my brother! I knew having a boy or girl the middle name would be Ryan.
At the ultrasound she was so naughty! haha I pretty much did not get to see her face at all! she would not let them get one measurement! she was very difficult. but I will be getting another one soon... I hope to see her than for a longer amount of time.
I am in love with her already and can not wait until she is in my arms.
At the ultrasound she was so naughty! haha I pretty much did not get to see her face at all! she would not let them get one measurement! she was very difficult. but I will be getting another one soon... I hope to see her than for a longer amount of time.
I am in love with her already and can not wait until she is in my arms.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
The Weekend/This week.
So this weekend Matt worked...of course and so it was up to me to keep the kids busy. we went on a long nature walk, found rocks, saw birds,saw flowers growing. It was nice and Abe loves the outdoors when we are inside and he goes to the door her screams "OUT OUT OUT" It is so cute he is learning so much and saying all kinds of new words. He makes me proud! love him. Such a smarty pants. He took a two hour nap and the girls and myself painted and had girl talk. They talked and talked and I listened and they just melted my heart. Than we went over to Mema and Pepa's house, had an delicious pork dinner. Than the kids got wild and and we left and I got them ready for bed. Sunday (today) we went to a beach party down at Lilly school and the girls had a BLAST, we made sea shell creatures, built sand castles out of rice crispy treats and all the frosting and candy in the world, fishing games, ect and on so. It was so fun and Abe napped at my moms the whole time we were gone It was a nice girls afternoon! Than we got some Pizza and went home. The girls were so sleepy but wanted to get "dolled up for Daddy" So the put on jewelry, sprayed perfume, and stuffed their dress with toilet paper for boobs. hahaha. Good weekend.

This week Isabel has the week off, for the screening they are doing for the new kindergartners..and yes that means she will have TWO weeks off school because the week after is April vacation. So we will need lots to do to keep us busy busy busy!!!!!
On Tuesday I will find out the sex of the newest baby Pease! I really could not be more excited! I feel like this pregnancy is flying by..much faster than the last three! I am already 19 weeks and can not believe just four more months till I have my child! Also I believe Abe has another follow up appointment some time this week..I better check on that asap. I have a knee appointment and than appointment FREE for the next few days till I go see my surgeon to talk and pick a day the last week of August for my baby to be born!
Well I am sure I left out tons of stuff but it has been a long weekend! time for some of my favorite shows and to pass out! Nighty Night!!!!!!
This week Isabel has the week off, for the screening they are doing for the new kindergartners..and yes that means she will have TWO weeks off school because the week after is April vacation. So we will need lots to do to keep us busy busy busy!!!!!
On Tuesday I will find out the sex of the newest baby Pease! I really could not be more excited! I feel like this pregnancy is flying by..much faster than the last three! I am already 19 weeks and can not believe just four more months till I have my child! Also I believe Abe has another follow up appointment some time this week..I better check on that asap. I have a knee appointment and than appointment FREE for the next few days till I go see my surgeon to talk and pick a day the last week of August for my baby to be born!
Well I am sure I left out tons of stuff but it has been a long weekend! time for some of my favorite shows and to pass out! Nighty Night!!!!!!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
When is having an imagination a bad thing?
Last night Matt and I went to our PTC (Parent teacher conference.) for Isabel who is in Kindergarten. As we go in and sit down her teacher ask if something has changed in Isabel's life in the last few months, and went on to say how Isabel has been saying she is ill a lot and act like she needs to go to the nurses office, So I explain to her we are having another child and this is Isabel way of getting extra attention,and this is her way of acting out if you will. So on to the next issue "Isabel's vivid imagination" how she has NEVER seen ANYTHING like it and she is so sensitive. (My little girl has always been VERY sensitive and in tune to others feeling..always) and Yes her imagination runs wild and she can go on forever about stories she makes up and so on and ect.. and goes on to say that this may affect her in the first grade cause it is so much more structured and there is consent flow of work, and that she is no Dr. but this may be something more serious. So I was like oh well she must be doing awful with her academics if her teacher is talking like this, I thought in my head. Well NOPE SHE IS DOING AMAZING, EVERYTHING IS 100s AND EXCELLENTS, AND PERFECT JOB. Does math better than anyone in the class,can read better than anyone in the class, But it is her IMAGINATION THAT IS THE ISSUES?!?!?!? I was irate at this point and down right offended. (and I have decided not to even post half of what she said in this blog)
I Just said well you know what, Isabel does have an imagination,and excellent one, she is ultra sensitive and it is all in how you say something to her, and I went on to talk about how she is using her "imagination" so much cause she is bored and it is HER job to stimulate her and keep giving her the work, and That I believe the first grade will be a benefit to her cause there will be so much MORE structure and "a flow of consent work" grrrrrr I was so mad,Just because she has never seen an imagination like my child's does not mean anything is the matter with my child and if her school work is not going down hill because of it I do NOT want you LABELING my little girl, I refuse to dumb her down and tell her it is not ok to have one! and I refuse to have her be a robot. and she does not need to act like any other child, she is her own person and anyone that knows my little girl can not believe how smart she, how clever she is. I have been hearing this her whole six years by, friends, doctors, family, pre-school teachers and anyone who knows her know she is something special and gifted. She is amazing<3
welllll now that I have bitched and moaned to Matt, my mom, my friends and now the blog site I feel better! Still mad like a lion but better.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
9 Days till gender time!
So in 9 days I will find out if our last baby will be Girl or Boy!!!!! I am so excited and can not wait to know! This baby better not give me any trouble earthier,with Isabel she had her legs crossed so tight until freaking 37 weeks! Lilly let us know NO issues Thank you Lillian! and Abe was SO active and hyper after 2 hours of trying we did not find out till 28 weeks I think it was...soooooo This baby best let me see or I will go insane! I am so excited to just know and start calling my baby his or hers name, and not to mention I love being able to see my baby on screen <3
I am 18 weeks and feeling pretty good. (knock on wood) I have been drink boat loads of water and taking it really easy. I am sooooo thankful this is my last pregnancy, do not get me wrong I am VERY grateful I have no issue with getting pregnant and keeping my babies till full term....I feel very blessed but my last being PG with Abram was scary and very painful almost the whole time and this time I feel is going to be the same and I have 4 more months left before I have this one, so it is worrisome. I know everything will be fine but all in all very grateful this is the last time I will be having a baby growing inside me. Plus four is enough or me! :) I can not wait till the 13th, Please say a little prayer my baby will let us know what he or she is!!!!
I am 18 weeks and feeling pretty good. (knock on wood) I have been drink boat loads of water and taking it really easy. I am sooooo thankful this is my last pregnancy, do not get me wrong I am VERY grateful I have no issue with getting pregnant and keeping my babies till full term....I feel very blessed but my last being PG with Abram was scary and very painful almost the whole time and this time I feel is going to be the same and I have 4 more months left before I have this one, so it is worrisome. I know everything will be fine but all in all very grateful this is the last time I will be having a baby growing inside me. Plus four is enough or me! :) I can not wait till the 13th, Please say a little prayer my baby will let us know what he or she is!!!!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
16 weeks with baby number 4!
I am 16 weeks and 3 days along in my forth pregnancy,I feel like it is moving right along. I am so much larger and showing so much more than I ever did with the other three, but I guess that is expected when it is your forth child and I did just have a baby a year ago...so I guess it comes with the territory. I am over most of the morning,noon and night sickness, and have moved on to awful headaches and being exhausted. I can not wait till April 13th which seem a lifetime away!!!!!! I really at this point could careless at what we are having, and just want to know...NOW!!! And than August can not come soon enough! hahah I know I am rushing this but I just want to have my last baby now please.
So a little update on the baby and I. I am going to try to keep up with this more, now that I have some alone time at night and am not passing out at 8pm. :)
So a little update on the baby and I. I am going to try to keep up with this more, now that I have some alone time at night and am not passing out at 8pm. :)
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Such a long busy week....
This week has been so so long, Abram turned the big ONE last Saturday, he has a great Birthday and got all the boy toys that me and matt were so excited to be able to buy! (Having two girls we never had reason to buy such manly gifts!)He HATED his cake...lol hated it loved the whole singing and was smiling away but as soon as we sat it in front of him and tried to get him to take a taste he lost it and cried it was so cute. so we took it right away and gave him his stuffed cabbage that he ate and loved within moments! I would have some beautiful pictures to share with you but I effing deleted them all, how nice huh...pretty depressed about it, but once i get some free time I am going to try to retrieve them (Thank you Deb and Diane Nicole!) ALL in all it was a wonderful day with my little manski.
On Monday March 1st right after his first birthday he had to have his hydroseal repair done we have know this day was going to be coming for a good long year but nothing makes it easy knowing your baby is going to be put under and have to have surgery. So Sunday night I gave him a nice long bath, we snuggled in bed together and than at 4:30 we have to wake up and get headed to Portland....we got to the hospital and had our own little room got the little guy ready had to sign those AWFUL papers talking about the possible death of your child..I did not want to sign those at all the thought made me so sick..but I did and than they let me come out back to the operating room and there was his table so big for my tiny son, They asked me to hold his arms and they put the mask on him, It was SO sad he cried with his eyes closed shut for about 15 seconds and then he was out,we laid his tiny body down and I had to leave the room, I started to cry and told him "mama loves you so much roo roo, kissed him about a thousand times and then left. ugh it was HEARTBREAKING. Matt and I waited for seemed like FOREVER in that waiting room, and it was forever what we thought would be and hour long surgery ended up being over three plus hours! one side took only 15 mins, while the other took almost 2hours,had to re-circumsized him, they had to "dissect" his left testicle and than take out lymph nodes and have them tested for cancer, we were so shocked to hear the words cancer come out of the doctors mouth I almost dropped,the cells came back negative and that was a HUGE relief.
It has been almost a week after his operation he is very sore and stiff, he has two large incisions on his groin that look so painful.My poor little guy, but he is strong and a trooper. He is so brave and sweet. My mom and dad have had the girls over night for six day now, course I see them in the day but nights and mornings have been very demanding and Abe wants and needs me most at those times so Thank you mom and dad, the best parents in the world! They live right next door so I go over after abe is all tuck in and read to the girls and tuck them into, They are LOVING it and may never want to come home. haha. But I do miss them like crazy, but it for the best and things will be back to normal in no time.
I am beyond exhausted, I would love to see for 72 hours please!!! On the bright side, I have not thrown up in 4 days!! WOOOO WHOOOOO!!! That is a huge step and making my life easier, in many ways while my little guy needs me so much, but I feel like I have not had a chance to see or just talk to Matt in forever and I am excited for that to change I miss my hubby..who is sound asleep next to me, but we have probably talked about 10 sentences to one another all day, with him working non stop and me dealing with abey and the girls, So lets hope everything turns out good on Abe's follow up on the 10th.
On Monday March 1st right after his first birthday he had to have his hydroseal repair done we have know this day was going to be coming for a good long year but nothing makes it easy knowing your baby is going to be put under and have to have surgery. So Sunday night I gave him a nice long bath, we snuggled in bed together and than at 4:30 we have to wake up and get headed to Portland....we got to the hospital and had our own little room got the little guy ready had to sign those AWFUL papers talking about the possible death of your child..I did not want to sign those at all the thought made me so sick..but I did and than they let me come out back to the operating room and there was his table so big for my tiny son, They asked me to hold his arms and they put the mask on him, It was SO sad he cried with his eyes closed shut for about 15 seconds and then he was out,we laid his tiny body down and I had to leave the room, I started to cry and told him "mama loves you so much roo roo, kissed him about a thousand times and then left. ugh it was HEARTBREAKING. Matt and I waited for seemed like FOREVER in that waiting room, and it was forever what we thought would be and hour long surgery ended up being over three plus hours! one side took only 15 mins, while the other took almost 2hours,had to re-circumsized him, they had to "dissect" his left testicle and than take out lymph nodes and have them tested for cancer, we were so shocked to hear the words cancer come out of the doctors mouth I almost dropped,the cells came back negative and that was a HUGE relief.
It has been almost a week after his operation he is very sore and stiff, he has two large incisions on his groin that look so painful.My poor little guy, but he is strong and a trooper. He is so brave and sweet. My mom and dad have had the girls over night for six day now, course I see them in the day but nights and mornings have been very demanding and Abe wants and needs me most at those times so Thank you mom and dad, the best parents in the world! They live right next door so I go over after abe is all tuck in and read to the girls and tuck them into, They are LOVING it and may never want to come home. haha. But I do miss them like crazy, but it for the best and things will be back to normal in no time.
I am beyond exhausted, I would love to see for 72 hours please!!! On the bright side, I have not thrown up in 4 days!! WOOOO WHOOOOO!!! That is a huge step and making my life easier, in many ways while my little guy needs me so much, but I feel like I have not had a chance to see or just talk to Matt in forever and I am excited for that to change I miss my hubby..who is sound asleep next to me, but we have probably talked about 10 sentences to one another all day, with him working non stop and me dealing with abey and the girls, So lets hope everything turns out good on Abe's follow up on the 10th.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Matt: He is working non stop, nothing has changed in that area. He is working a really good job right now and the extra money is such an amazing help, and our plan is to pay off every single loan and back bill we have and than let the house hunting start....again! which is exciting and stressful all wrapped into one. His birthday is next week, he is getting a huge tattoo on his back,(That is all he ever talks about getting a damn tattoo so here you goooo baby!)
Myself and my unborn: Well pretty much all I have to talk about is my unborn and those affects nothing to new on myself personally or nothing I feel like sharing. haha. So my unborn babes,I am 10 weeks pregnant, and even tho I had to have a c-section 11 months ago. At that time I never looked up anything on c-section due to that fact that I had two natural deliveries and never in a thousand years did I think that my third child would be 7 days late and over 10 pounds,never ever and when I found out I was going to have to have a c-section I had two days to get all my research in and that is just NOT enough time. So I will be doing lots of research these next months. I will be having more time to get use to it this time but am really worried about coming home to 3 children,and one of them being 17 months old, with a huge gash on my abdomen. But I am so excited to know what I am having and start calling my baby their name and dreaming about what he/she is going to look like.<3
Isabel: Well she is doing wonderful in school she has gotten a report card sent home and a progress report(which is so fun to get!)It is amazing to see her thrive and doing so well, she bring home tons of school works and she gets all 100s and smiley faces on everything, her math skills are so impressive, she is such a smart beautiful young lady! A wonderful sister to Lillian and Abram always running to them and protecting them, she is a great joy.
Lillian: Lillian is also doing SO great in school she has lots of friends and a little boy in her class plays with her hair and always want to hug her cause she is so beautiful! haha adorable. Her letters have gotten so good she can write her name like a pro, and her painting bring tears to my eyes, she is so smart and funny and shy all wrapped into one. She is getting so much better about Abey being a part of the family and watches over and take care on him and anytime he is mad or crying she is the first one to get toys and try to make him all better. It is a wonderful thing to see happen before our eyes. I love my Lilly Lu.
Abram: My little man will be one at the end of this month! I can not believe it..already. This has come far to fast for me. He is still my little needy baby who cry's when I go to the bathroom or up the stairs,oh my needy needy little man! haha He will he having his surgery on March 1st, and I am so scared and happy all in one I am happy this is going to be taken care of and he will have normal testicles and he will not recall any of it! So I know this is for the best, and I of course doing the right thing.
Oh I could go on forever with the update but one of my favorite shows is on and I am sleepy. Good night all!
Myself and my unborn: Well pretty much all I have to talk about is my unborn and those affects nothing to new on myself personally or nothing I feel like sharing. haha. So my unborn babes,I am 10 weeks pregnant, and even tho I had to have a c-section 11 months ago. At that time I never looked up anything on c-section due to that fact that I had two natural deliveries and never in a thousand years did I think that my third child would be 7 days late and over 10 pounds,never ever and when I found out I was going to have to have a c-section I had two days to get all my research in and that is just NOT enough time. So I will be doing lots of research these next months. I will be having more time to get use to it this time but am really worried about coming home to 3 children,and one of them being 17 months old, with a huge gash on my abdomen. But I am so excited to know what I am having and start calling my baby their name and dreaming about what he/she is going to look like.<3
Isabel: Well she is doing wonderful in school she has gotten a report card sent home and a progress report(which is so fun to get!)It is amazing to see her thrive and doing so well, she bring home tons of school works and she gets all 100s and smiley faces on everything, her math skills are so impressive, she is such a smart beautiful young lady! A wonderful sister to Lillian and Abram always running to them and protecting them, she is a great joy.
Lillian: Lillian is also doing SO great in school she has lots of friends and a little boy in her class plays with her hair and always want to hug her cause she is so beautiful! haha adorable. Her letters have gotten so good she can write her name like a pro, and her painting bring tears to my eyes, she is so smart and funny and shy all wrapped into one. She is getting so much better about Abey being a part of the family and watches over and take care on him and anytime he is mad or crying she is the first one to get toys and try to make him all better. It is a wonderful thing to see happen before our eyes. I love my Lilly Lu.
Abram: My little man will be one at the end of this month! I can not believe it..already. This has come far to fast for me. He is still my little needy baby who cry's when I go to the bathroom or up the stairs,oh my needy needy little man! haha He will he having his surgery on March 1st, and I am so scared and happy all in one I am happy this is going to be taken care of and he will have normal testicles and he will not recall any of it! So I know this is for the best, and I of course doing the right thing.
Oh I could go on forever with the update but one of my favorite shows is on and I am sleepy. Good night all!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
1 child? are you joking?
Disclaimer: If I offend you, oh well.
I went to my knee doctor as I was being checked in the women was going over my information she asked if I worked at home depot. (cause someone put it in there the last time I was in.) I told her nope I am a homemaker. Of course after that we start gabbing about children!! So the basics, she has one and I have three, she goes on and on and onnnnn about "how hard one child is." how she does not know know people can stay sane with more than just one child. I was thinking to myself your joking right lady? One child? Easy as pie. I remember having Isabel and it was a breeze people.One car seat, One bag, One trip to do or go anywhere. You can pick up and just go, Life was soooooo simple with one child. and I just do not understand how parents and parents that work all day have such problems with this?
Of course I understand every parent has bad days and yes even with one they can drive you crazy. but before complaining about how hard it is having ONE child, think about who your talking to and if they have more than ONE kid you should most likely cut the complaining. Thanks.
I went to my knee doctor as I was being checked in the women was going over my information she asked if I worked at home depot. (cause someone put it in there the last time I was in.) I told her nope I am a homemaker. Of course after that we start gabbing about children!! So the basics, she has one and I have three, she goes on and on and onnnnn about "how hard one child is." how she does not know know people can stay sane with more than just one child. I was thinking to myself your joking right lady? One child? Easy as pie. I remember having Isabel and it was a breeze people.One car seat, One bag, One trip to do or go anywhere. You can pick up and just go, Life was soooooo simple with one child. and I just do not understand how parents and parents that work all day have such problems with this?
Of course I understand every parent has bad days and yes even with one they can drive you crazy. but before complaining about how hard it is having ONE child, think about who your talking to and if they have more than ONE kid you should most likely cut the complaining. Thanks.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Coping with the sickness.
With the awful morning sickness I have..for the forth time I have come up with some ways that make my life a little better.

Showers! anytime I can get a shower in I do. If I could live in my shower without getting pruned I would, they ALWAYS make me feel better.

The only shampoo I can use without it making me sick. Renpure Organics. I love you so.

and that leads me to Aveeno Body wash, they are the best and have pretty much no sent, and no sent is wonderful to me at this time!

My hoddies. I need them to live. If I am in a store, at another persons house, our need to change my son My face goes right in my hoddie and all I smell is ME! I smell good so this is a HUGE life saver.

MY PILLOWS! I really do not think I need to explain this one, everyone loves having their own pillow. :)
and along with watermelon sour patch kids,homemade chicken broth, The smell of my childrens hair, Abe's baby breath he still has, and clean clothes and sheet, and of course BLEACH. These things make the day to day better for me while I feel like I am dying with this stupid morning sickness.

Showers! anytime I can get a shower in I do. If I could live in my shower without getting pruned I would, they ALWAYS make me feel better.

The only shampoo I can use without it making me sick. Renpure Organics. I love you so.

and that leads me to Aveeno Body wash, they are the best and have pretty much no sent, and no sent is wonderful to me at this time!

My hoddies. I need them to live. If I am in a store, at another persons house, our need to change my son My face goes right in my hoddie and all I smell is ME! I smell good so this is a HUGE life saver.

MY PILLOWS! I really do not think I need to explain this one, everyone loves having their own pillow. :)
and along with watermelon sour patch kids,homemade chicken broth, The smell of my childrens hair, Abe's baby breath he still has, and clean clothes and sheet, and of course BLEACH. These things make the day to day better for me while I feel like I am dying with this stupid morning sickness.
Friday, January 29, 2010
So my baby boy Abram is 11 months old, and he is having his first and hopefully LAST surgery of his life on March 1st of this year. I am relived that it will be done and over with and that he will have normal sized testicles and no problems in the future with the hydroseal or with hernias. So anyways HE WALKED TODAY!!!! WOOOOOO!!!!!! We did not think he would take his first steps till after his operation, and today after dinner there he goes! hahaha He took about 6-10 steps with those fat, flat,flinstone feet of his and we are so happy and full of pride! Our little man proved everyone wrong who thought he could not take a step, I am so happy for him! He is even sick and he still rocked it! I am so in love with my boy and need to brag! no more walker for you!!!!!!!
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Knocked up Pt. 4
Being pregnant four times now you would think I would be use to morning sickness...Wellll I am NOT. I HATE IT, I wake up feeling hungover every morning, get up go down stairs, chug a glass of water so I can throw up easier without bile..cute huh. Run to the bathroom and puke for about 10 mins, come out to a screaming needy Abram with an awful smelly pamper, change it...puke all over again. and then off to make breakfast for all the kids puking while doing it. and that is going to be my life for the next 2-3 months also with sore bones that hurt to touch and being dizzy non stop. ughhhhh I think at times I would rather be dead.
It is so insane how morning/all day and night sickness can knock you right on your ass. only thing that gets me though is knowing I am doing everything I can for this unborn and trying my best to keep up with the three I already have. I am an emotional wreck on top of this and cry about any and everything...my poor kids. lol I can not wait for this to pass so I can feel better, or watch a show without balling my eyes out. On the plus side I have had four different doctors tell me the more morning sickness you have the smarter the child! So I guess that is the plus to all this sickness.
It is so insane how morning/all day and night sickness can knock you right on your ass. only thing that gets me though is knowing I am doing everything I can for this unborn and trying my best to keep up with the three I already have. I am an emotional wreck on top of this and cry about any and everything...my poor kids. lol I can not wait for this to pass so I can feel better, or watch a show without balling my eyes out. On the plus side I have had four different doctors tell me the more morning sickness you have the smarter the child! So I guess that is the plus to all this sickness.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Things that must be accomplished!
1. We have to find a house. That is at the TOP of this list. and I would like it to happen by April -May. NO later. but time will tell...
2. I need to learn how to drive and not just parking lots. Real driving.
3.We need to trade in our Volvo and get a Mini Van. "sigh" I love our car,amazing in snow,mud,ect. best cars ever..so sad.
4.I need to find a job. (I hate this one the most.)
5.I also need to start thinking about what kind of schooling I would like. Pick up some online classes.
6.I need to leave my stresses from the day before BEHIND. I have a hard time with that.
7. I want to have alone time with each child everyday so they can feel extra important.
8. I want to get Abram in his own bed and less attached from my hip and more independent.
9. WE ARE getting each and everyone of our loans paid off!
10. I also want to get back on track with date night with my husband, like we use to do before the baby was born.
11. That bring me to, I need to stop putting so much pressure on him, he is only one person and he is doing the best he can.
12. I also need to remind myself that I am only one person, and I am doing the very best I can.
Well I am sure I did not listed everything, but most important things I did....
2. I need to learn how to drive and not just parking lots. Real driving.
3.We need to trade in our Volvo and get a Mini Van. "sigh" I love our car,amazing in snow,mud,ect. best cars ever..so sad.
4.I need to find a job. (I hate this one the most.)
5.I also need to start thinking about what kind of schooling I would like. Pick up some online classes.
6.I need to leave my stresses from the day before BEHIND. I have a hard time with that.
7. I want to have alone time with each child everyday so they can feel extra important.
8. I want to get Abram in his own bed and less attached from my hip and more independent.
9. WE ARE getting each and everyone of our loans paid off!
10. I also want to get back on track with date night with my husband, like we use to do before the baby was born.
11. That bring me to, I need to stop putting so much pressure on him, he is only one person and he is doing the best he can.
12. I also need to remind myself that I am only one person, and I am doing the very best I can.
Well I am sure I did not listed everything, but most important things I did....
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
I hate jay z and beyonce.

They suck! They were voted "Richest couple" of 2009. Oh I wonder why?! Cause the NEVER give any of there money away to ANY charity EVER! They help no causes,It no joke makes me sick. I think if you are a celebrity and you are making over 6 figures, yeah you better be giving money away, New Orleans NOTHING, Haiti NOTHING, 9/11 NOTHING and anything else that has happened they do nothing to help out, when Brad pitt and angelina jolie give out MILLIONS to help cause and other countries, they suck as human beings and I will NEVER buy anything they are trying to sell, I will never watch some sucky movie Beyonce is in cause the bitch can not act anyways. and Jay z go back in hiding your raps are lame and played out, you are NO thug, you are a wannabe and you most likely lived in a all white neighborhood. YOU BOTH SUCK AND I HOPE YOU GO BROKE IN 2010.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Random Facts
1.I am OBSESSED with Jersey Shore. as a matter of fact I am watching it now. Do not hate. It is the shit.
2.I count the days till my brother comes home from war at least 10 times a day.
3. Some days I think I can not handle my life and every thing in it. and other day I feel like I can handle anything.
4.Right now I need God in my life more than ever.
5.would describe my beliefs about my religion as a mixture of Christianity and Judaism. and I love to learn more.
6. If I could wear a dress every day of the year, I would. Nothing is more comfortable or more versatile.
7. I make a list every day of my life because I love the satisfaction of crossing things off the list.
8. I la la la love lady gaga! she is a freak wanna-be for sure, but I love her music and it always makes me happy.
9.I love to cook, but hate all the smells of cooking unless it is baking, totally different story.
10.my mother and father are still to this day the best parents to me in the world and I could not be more thankful they are in my life.
11.I am about to have the biggest life change ever and not sure if I am ready.
2.I count the days till my brother comes home from war at least 10 times a day.
3. Some days I think I can not handle my life and every thing in it. and other day I feel like I can handle anything.
4.Right now I need God in my life more than ever.
5.would describe my beliefs about my religion as a mixture of Christianity and Judaism. and I love to learn more.
6. If I could wear a dress every day of the year, I would. Nothing is more comfortable or more versatile.
7. I make a list every day of my life because I love the satisfaction of crossing things off the list.
8. I la la la love lady gaga! she is a freak wanna-be for sure, but I love her music and it always makes me happy.
9.I love to cook, but hate all the smells of cooking unless it is baking, totally different story.
10.my mother and father are still to this day the best parents to me in the world and I could not be more thankful they are in my life.
11.I am about to have the biggest life change ever and not sure if I am ready.
He does not need sleep I guess?
I take so many sleeping pictures of Abram, cause it is very very rare he sleeps. Do not get me wrong nights are getting better, he sleeps almost all the way though (unless he is having a growth spurt and drinks 5-7 bottles.) but in the day and trying to get him to nap is really ridiculous, it takes him forever to fall asleep than he will wake up no joke ten minutes later fully refreshed and ready to go. It is driving me pretty much insane. and when he in the stages of "nap time" he HAS to be looking right at me. I can not clean, move, nothing till he fall a sleep, this may be cute and adorable buttttt he is my third child and my girls need me too and him not taking naps like every other 10 month old child is killing me. I have friends and family whose children nap until they are 3-4 years old! Now granted my girls stopped napping at Isabel 18 months and Lillian about 2. and Abram has NEVER had a day where he takes more than 1-2 SHORT short naps. I hope this ends and he just want to nap, I would even take him doing it for a week. Good this he is so beautiful and melts me with his love for me and those big brown eyes<3
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Isabel's 1st hair cut...6 years later!
My first born Isabel,had her hair cut today.We have talked about it for the last two or three months,we both were not ready and than this morning after breakfast That she needed her hair cut TODAY and I was to call the hair solon while she was in school. :) So I guess she was ready! This is her very first time going to get anything done to her hair, She still has..had all her baby hair. sigh. but she loves it and not that much was taken off, she is as beautiful as ever and I am happy she loves it and I did not cry.

Gut feeling
That gut feeling we get, how it never ever fails you!? It can be such a great thing and such a cruse, sometimes I just want to believe the lie, and live in this fake world where I have no stress and nothing heavy on my plate, I know this all is all just a bunch of blabber of run on sentence's but I know what I am talking and rambling about so that is really all that matters right? lol I just wish I knew what was going to happen? What I am going to do and can do right now? I am so unsure and that feeling is so unsettling. my mind is forever racing and I stress myself to the point where I am sick, I just feel like I am spinning out of control and no one can stop it....not me and that is what scares me..and it all started with that "gut feeling"That feeling that kicks you and drops you to your knees.... when will I know more? I guess when I am supposed to.......
I love Randy Travis.
What can wash away my sins?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus
What can make me whole again?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus
Oh precious is that flow that makes me white as snow
No other fount I know
Nothing but the blood of Jesus
What can wash away my sins?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus
What can make me whole again?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus
Nothing but the blood of Jesus
Nothing but the blood of Jesus
Nothing but the blood of Jesus
What can make me whole again?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus
Oh precious is that flow that makes me white as snow
No other fount I know
Nothing but the blood of Jesus
What can wash away my sins?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus
What can make me whole again?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus
Nothing but the blood of Jesus
Nothing but the blood of Jesus
Monday, January 11, 2010
Pictures rule my life.
Accident prone.
Two out of the three children I have are accident prone, Lillian my wild 4 year old, and Abram the ultra-needy 10 month old little man I have! Well I feel like every time I turn around one of them is on the floor crying with something wrong, Lillian the other day at my mother and fathers house was jumping back and forth from the ottoman to the couch. (something that she is NOT allowed to do, but does anyways) well instead on landing where she thought, she fell back and smashed her back on the draw from the wooden Barbie house we have, needless to say she was crying and now has a huge long bruise on her rib cage, and an hour later she was fighting over some binder of her older sister and some how got her finger caught and now has a HUGE blood blister...oh that child.....
As for Abe, just as crazy and clumsy, he smashed his head not once, not twice, not three times but 4 times in TWO hours ON everything in sight, and now has bruises on his noggin, and I hate it. I do not like my kids having bruises on there tiny little bodies and I do not like them in pain at all, just like any mother, but my word I not only have only wild, does not think about consequence child, now I have two. I should be thanking my lucky stars none of them have had to have stitches or a broken bone...but they are only 4 and 10 months..I guess only time will tell this those two rascals! lol
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Same Old, same old...
I have been making Matt's lunch for 5 1/2 years now...I am sick of it and I have like 20 more years left. lol and I wait till last minute (my fault) when I want to just make Abram's bottle and pass out in my big comfy, perfect bed....but no I have to go into the cold kitchen and take out all the sandwich stuff, and condiments, I hate getting out condiments at 10pm. Make a mess and then wash and clean down the counters, not my idea of a good time, haha So I try to remind myself why I make this boring lunch..every night..Cause my husband is a hard worker and needs it like fuel. Soooooo as much as I hate making it, I would hate more him going with out or wasting money buying fast food... yup yup I am a really good wife. I should get some kind of lunch making medal.
I am off to make the dreaded lunch. This was a motivator in away! woooo for blogging gives you will power. hahaha I am way to sleepy. :) night night.
Intro of Sorts....
Why I am here... who I am and such. I will start off by saying my name is Nicole everyone calls me Nikki or Cole, I am 25 and have 3 beautiful children and wonderful hubby of 6 years. I want this Blog site cause I ALWAYS have sooo much on my mind and this is a wonderful way to let it out rant, moan, vent, stresses of the everyday housewife, things in my life I love such as the things my kids say or do, my married life, just everything. It will be perfect...
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